Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!!


Welcome back again you guys here! Sorry for my absent and left my blog dead without updating it. Actually, I have been crushed by cold weather.

As we all know, currently the temperature drops to the low level as affected by the effect of the storm from border country. I am not really sure. I was sick, seriously strucked, cuz I am allergic to coldness. My feet and hands went cold, almost freeze. I don’t dare to have a shower at all. Further, on Saturday evening, I knew clearly that I am in bad condition. My terrible headache rose up to my head again. Cold wind froze my សរសៃ!​ ងាកឆ្វេងក៏មិនបាន ងាកស្ដាំក៏មិនបាន! ឧ្យតែងាកដឹងតែឈឺ ចាប់ពីក្បាល ឡើងដល់ថ្ងាស ដូចគេយកញញួរមកដំពីលើ ប៉ូងៗ​អញ្ចឹង! So I took a capsule of TYLENOL and LYSOPEIN (It’s for sore throat). I took out the thermometer to measure my temperature, and guess what? My body temperature is 39.4 degree Celsius! My inner self was that hot that was why I felt very cold and shivered like a warm less bird in the rain. I didn’t have strength to do any thing. Also, I couldn’t barely even clench my fist tightly too! Then my mom កោសខ្យល់​​ for me. ឈឺខ្លួនណាស់​ យំផង​ ហៀរទឹកភ្នែក​ទឹកសំបោរផង​ ។ In this way, mom decided to come to share a room with me as to take care of me within night time. And you know what! Around 1AM my whole self went hotter and shivered wildly as it’s about time the affection of TYLENOL (5hours after taking that pill). Then I had another capsule of TYLENOL. I was still not yet well. I was shivering about 10 minutes, even mum tried to hug me to keep me calm. (មិន​ដែលជួបទេពីមុន!​ អាហ្នឹងហើយគេហៅថាគ្រុនញាក់គ្រុនញ័រ )​

I am not yet recovered now, but I just don’t wanna be free cuz the more we rest, the lazier we are! It’s true! So just do action. I hope I’ll be fine soon cuz from yesterday until now, I missed a Christmas party (Khmer girl’s party) and my classmate’s birthday party today. Poor me! Also tonight, I’ll try to take pill and eat a lot as to rebuild my strength to celebrate Christmas eve with my good friend!

Finally, I hope all my blog readers have a lovely and an unforgettable Christmas na! Cheers! Yeah!

រីករាយថ្ងៃបុណ្យណូអែល!​ សប្បាយគ្រប់គ្នាណា! សូមសុខភាពល្្អកុំឪ្យឈឺដូចខ្ញុំណា!!!!!
អាកាសធាតុប្រែប្រួល សូមថែរក្សាសុខភាពផងណា!!!!​

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Friday, December 15, 2006

PIT-workshop held at Siem Reap


On 9th Saturday, December, 2006, Personal Information Technology workshop has been held at BBU, Siem Reap branch, 2 different sessions, one in the morning and another one was in the evening.

In each session, there were around 200 audiences from varied faculties, such as IT, English, Management,… It was another successful workshop progressed by City Link and Cambodia Bloggers cooperate with Build Bright University. We’re very happy to see that many students there now know about blog and are interested in the workshop. Sooner or later, we hopefully waiting to see more and more blog by Cambodians.

Along with this, PIT-Workshop has also been held at 10 Makara High school at Siem Reap Province as well. Let me express “A WOW!” cuz that high school is much more modern than the ones in Phnom Penh. The lab there is very great, one room occupied with about 26 laptops accessed to internet for student, another one there is about 40 new and run-well desktops.

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My Teddy Bear Christmas Present from My Mum!


Isn't it lovely??? It's big... Guess wat? This is de first time that my mum bought me such a surprising Christmas present for me! I love it so much... I like to hug it! Do u want one? hehehe.. Don't jealous me na! lolz.. ( ^, ^)

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Christmas Decor Stuff


Here is a bunch of christmas decor bells! see? is it cute?
Here is my christmas present I've just got from ma frn! the santa! doesn't it look cool?? he can sing and dance too na!

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

wat a doom day...


Posting error! i cant post pictures at all... why? i wanna update my blog.. ok just try this one out!

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Me, Myself and I

My photo
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Me? I knew nothin' about myself besides living with smiles and be cheerful cuz i dunno how long my life could last!