The school leaving examination had taken place on 6th of August. There was sound of nice motorcycle of the students came and went out from the photocopy shop along street 110 down my house. I could have never imagined that scene! They are all grade 12 students who were to have the high school leaving exam this academic year. I saw that when I was sitting doing some lesson revision for my school leaving exam at the belcony of my house. I am also a grade 12 student too! :) But I didn't go down to copy any document na! Hehe....
Well, now my exam has ended successfully. I have more time to work with my blog as well as to relive it again as I've left it quite along time to prepare for my exam. Now I am back on the blogosphere to regain my popularity. ( ^ , ^ )
However, it's not the end of my educational life period yet! I've just been through the exit of one tunnel of my life. There are still more to go and even more tough that need me to struggle and fight la.... Ok, just walk and face with them all then....
Don't bother your head with that, it's a waste of time and money. Don't trust them, they seek money.
Yeah! i didnt do dat! I didnt waste my money on photocopying at all! Text book is too enough for me! It's also easy to read! unlike those small doc! heheheh
congrats sis! finally u have made it through high school. I bet you must have done well on the exams and get straight As ;-)
Welcome back famous school girl, congratualtion for finishing the exam. I am confident that you did very well. I wish u get scholarship sooon. Then become university lady. Good luck...from hollyplanet
Wanna congrats on ur big accomplishment. You did wonderful. Hope to hear great news from u soon. So, are u done reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows yet?
Heh, DD. IT's me A CHETH again. Just wanna tell u about my website. If u could, add me to one of ur link, plz. I'll add u to mine too, ok? My website is Peace!
>>Ms. K: hi sist! thanks! oh yeah! i'll get the result on 31th... Hehe...same day as de clogger summit will be held...
>>hollyplanet: oh long time no see! welcome back! Thanks for ya wish la! i'll try more!
>>A cheth: hey cousy! yeah! i just got the 7th book from my frn yesterday... now m in in page 6th! hehehe...oh yeah! i'll add yours to ma link soon!
WOW, cool for u, DD. Who were so generous to lend u that book? (Of course, I was generous too, right?) And page 6??? Half the world has read the whole book already, DD. Come on, hurry up. The ending is just incredible, I'll tell u that. Kinda sad, too. Well, anyway, u'll get there soon. Take care.
>>vicheth: hey frn! know, can u guess in advanc about my BacII grade i'll get??? oh sammy has took off since 14th to the US. Have u contacted him? I'll c de result for him. Oh btw, he said to me dat he hopes 100% that he'll get B! hahah.. me, maybe A??? lolz......kidding la!
U wanna know what I guess u'll get on the exam??? Want the truth or lie? I think u'll get a C at most, most likely a D, I think. Nah, just kidding. I think u might get an A even though the possiblity is not very very very high. But what do I know? We'll see about that. by the way, I did contact A Thie. Send him a couple of emails, u know. He replied back and told me that he was really homesick. He got his own cell phone already, but when I couldn't reach him cuz he hasn't set up his voicemail box yet. I'll try to reach him later. His number is 360-356-6160, in case u wanna know. And one last thing, I never saw any of your comments in my website.
Cheth: oh thanks for de info. Well, i don think i hav money to call him. Just email is enuf la! heheh.. Oh never see a comment in ya blog? sorry cousy, but last time i visited ya blog, no post yet. well, i gtg n c yours soon after i finish my work here then.:) cheers!
This blog is very good and informative. It is difficult task but your post and experience serve and teach me how to handle and make it more simple and manageable
Mostly, a day before the exams many people already waiting in that place.
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