Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Cold Pinky Night Warm Feeling...
Teddy bears....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Night scene in My World...
Hapi Birthday To my Cute Lil Cousin, Kenneth(Naughty Boy!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dark Night Work...
It's quite late at night, i still remain quietly in my room to do some self-study as I have DNA lesson the next day for Biological subject session. There are some technical words which is a bit difficult to define or understand without checking them in dictionary. This is what i hate the most! i don't like using dictionary at all as i have a bad and lazy habit, whenever i meet the word i don't know, i just try to understand it by context and then skip it.
But yeah, everyday i never stay up this late, but i don't feel sleepy at all when i study. in contrast, i could get everything i learn and finish all quick questions related to Genetic Code too! ok, next time, i'll learn by using this method for other subjects! :D
Let upgrade now! Fight, Me!
In my opinion, I think hard work and luck go along together. Destiny is de guideline. But hard work is needed first, and then luck goes along after that and will catch up with hard work at a destination, the succeed point.
Until now, I just know that my trend of progress of my life and my study is a downward one, when I do math exercises and my way of thinking.
Firstly, let me talk about the progress of my education at school. For example, I cannot do a medium level algebra sequence exercise of math at all when I just see it, I think I could do it, but when I hold a pen and about to solve it, I cannot find the solution which is very easy to do. Moreover, I couldn’t fulfill all my tasks on time and perfectly at all. There are always light mistakes and confusion. I can’t ever get 100% for my test at high school at all except English subject. I was about to fail my literature composition test. My math test was also the same. For physic, chemistry and the rest are not bad, just between 75% to 98%. In addition, I find myself so joyful and skillful at moral and social studies. I rarely do self-study and research at home, I seldom use my study software after school; besides, I do something else when I am in front of my pc screen. Ok, it is New Year now; also, it’s gonna be time my semester 1 exam take place as well. I think it’s not too late, I still can recover my learning trend, right? Nothing is too late if I know my faults of laziness and carelessness and I change.
Next, let’s move on to my general trend aside from study. I began to find my self-development remained constant, no no! Not leveled out, but decrease! Haha… The more I face, the older I am, the worst me! OMG! Ok whatever… I commit, not promise myself, to do a serious upgrade as to get back to my ex-me after many feelings brought me troubles than peace! Lolz… Fight, me! It’s time to upgrade now, Dee! I cannot stay in this situation at all. A Khmer girl in the blogosphere, need to be good or I’ll be an unqualified citizen without success cuz no hard work. I don’t wait for luck at all! J
How about you??? Any opinion? Hope to get construction criticism or suggestion na! Thanks before hand! (^ , ^)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Bad start....
After a joyful weekend, things go wrong de next day. What a stressful and upset Monday moring of the week... Everything is error...I can't post images in my blog. Errors on page! Seeing useless documents and files, Viruses....Tension.... Many bad emotions run up to me! Mobitel phone service is also bad these days... I lost much from my account uselessly... Unsuccessful duration! Unexpected news and replies drive me dull... What a GREAT start of the week!
readmore »»Thursday, January 18, 2007
Cute pinky elephant!
2006 has gone, 2007 has come!
As I’ve jumped up to blog reading, I’ve found many posts about New Year and the previous year by each blog owners. Now I have an idea that I should share you all about my progress in 2006 and my commitment for 2007 like other bloggers too!
I have a day off today as it is 7th January, a successful day from Pol Pot regime. I always commit to do homework from school during holidays, but whenever I am on holidays, I never do my school works. I love reading other books instead of reading grade 12 books, especially, I hate reading literature stories which are mandatory for me to read as to use it in Khmer composition during exams. I dunno why too! In contrast, I never lazy to read other general knowledge book… Oopps! Seems like out of topic I have to write now! Ok go back to what I’ve achieved in 2006.
Since 2006, initially, I found myself more mature as I don’t like to joke a lot about useless stuffs as I used to be. I’ve become more serious in talking and doing things. If I know I really can’t do something, I don’t promise or say. One more thing, I think I am more useful for the society, and becoming a better citizen. In addition, I’ve discovered myself that I’ve learnt more by seeing the visions around me and analyze each of them. I learn from what I’ve seen. Also, I’ve read many good books full of educational ideas of life. There are such as morals, life advices, way to behave rightly, etc. Especially, I have made many more good and helpful friends via blog and social network, and their existence cheers my life up. I am a happier girl cuz I find my life is not that isolated. I am not alone walking along the road of life toward my goal, there are flowers along the sides of the road to lighten up my way and bring me encouragement, hopes and strength to me to continue my life adventure. Next, talking about education, I knew my general knowledge improves a lot, but my math is not developing at all as I have some problem with my head and brain. Poor me on this field. After that, let me talk about housework. The previous year I’ve improved a lot in cooking. I can cook well (Only some of my favorite food). Plus, I’ve experienced a house-controller life when I am home alone and I have to do every chore. Now let’s move on to my daily life. I found my day is a busy, but joyful one. I love my life. I like to keep myself busy cuz no work is useless. After I finish one task, I am so pleased cuz I’ve fulfilled an obligation of the day and thank it. Well, 2006 was a good year full of experiences and lessons for me. Thanks so much 2006! ( ^ o ^ )
Now for 2007, I determine to run it another better year for me with more hopes and efforts. I commit to make some parts of my dreams come true this year. J
Finally, no one is perfect. Everyone has got his/her own mistakes. So I’d like to apologize for what I’ve done wrong both with intention and without intention to all of you. “I am absolutely so sorry! Sometimes I hurt my friends by my words with my immediate emotions, so please forgive me for every big or small mistake I’ve made. I know it’s my bad habit, but I commit to develop a better one now. I knew it’s all my faults. May our friendship be better as time flows by and last long. Thanks!”
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Sunday, January 07, 2007
oh! whose this???
Is it really is?
“I’ve found the real world around me is all fake! The life of laugh and smile is just fake! But the dream life is real! It’s always like what I think! If I imagine it is what, it does always be!”
As experienced, I found my over 16 year’s time I’ve been through is a waste! I knew nothing! And I just know now that I knew nothing at all besides my fake smiles, and the words from books I’ve read.
I was so stupid, even I’ve been through this fake life experience already. Those are all my faults cuz of too quick to believe others around me! But now I know life is a game which one cheats another and keep continue. Or is this just my life? Or just the others never think of this? My lessons teach me to be a metal-hearted girl now. They take away my confident in believing people.
In addition, I think I was wrong… I’ve done many things wrong! I have no skills of living a life in this beautiful world happily. I was on the way toward my goal to be a successful person but obstacles always keep me stuck in de middle of the road. I can’t fight as I’ve lost faith in myself. I always lose things I love best cuz I am so stupid. My hopes never stay with me long at all. Every thing comes and goes like thunder. Nothing is long and forever. Nothing is stable. Time is not kind to me at all. Time takes my favorite stuffs and people away and gone from me…
Living a life just to lie oneself, just to fulfill the obligations of being a mankind, just a role play in a life game, live with fake smiles, fake laughter, fake cry, and fake thoughts. I don’t fancy a life like this! I don’t want the environment around me to cheat me! Why don’t we live a real life in the real world? It’s so hurt living in a real world but fake life! I’d tried to move myself from the imaginary world cuz afraid it will hurt me, but when I come to the real world, I find it’s even more painful! Why? The people in dream world are all honest. In contrast, the ones in real world, I can’t measure! They are not all honest; their words are different from their hearts! Not loyal at all! Like a song, “This I Promise You”, I found it’s right! Here it is: “The visions around you, bring tears to your eyes, and all that surrounds you, are secrets and lies”. I’ve received some vows, but with these vows, I hurt a lot! Now I have no more space! I don’t have the bottle to keep my sorrow and pains from those vows at all! The owner of the vows is just liar! No more!
There’s an article from Reader’s Digest, “How Love and Care Heal”. Doctors said, “Why do some people get well even though their doctors think they have no chance, while others die who seem to have had every chance to recover? Survival seems to depend on something more than just having the right treatment. Perhaps knowing others care, that you matter to other people, strengthens a deep impulse toward life – a way to live – that is in every one of us.”
“ជីវិតនៃការយំ និង សើច គឺជាជីវិតពោរពេញទៅដោយការបោកប្រាស់ !”
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I had a dull year-end-holiday!
For me, guess what? I had a dull year-end-holiday! I was so sick because of typhoid! I can eat nothing besides porridge, dried fish, orange and coconut juice. In addition, I couldn’t go to join any party, nor could I walk and do hard work or carry heavy things. I’ve never had such bad days like this at all since I came to this world!
By the way, I found it is a good experience for me of learning to be patient in life. I learnt how to destroy my boring days even I can only sleep in bed with ice in a plastic package on my belly as to cool up my inner organ and keep my temperature not to rise up. Aside from this, I also have time to read books, and got lots of good proverb and ideas to consider as to develop a better new-me for new year!!!
សួស្ដីឆ្នាំថ្មី ឆ្នាំ២០០៧! សូមជួនពរអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នានូវសព្វសារធុកាពរដ៏ប្រពៃទាំងឡាយ!!! ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថាឆ្នាំនេះគឺជាឆ្នាំថ្មីមួយប្រសើរជាងឆ្នាំមុនៗទៅទៀតសំរាប់អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាណា!!!! សូមទេពធីតា និង ដួងតារាឆ្នាំថ្មីតាមថែរក្សាអ
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